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Mega Core Magnetizer


- LEGO® Space M-Tron -

Mega Core Magnetizer is a LEGO® Space M-Tron Set released in 1990.

Set Information:
  • Pieces: 503
  • Minifigs: 3

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44 items found
1x Lego Wheel 2573 Hard Plastic Giant 71mm D x 47mm Vintage Genuine Black - 6989
Time left: Auction Ended!

Item location: US
Seller: bxer8168 (387) [100.0%]

LEGO Space: 6989 (M-Tron Mega Core Magnetizer)
(13 Bids)
Time left: Auction Ended!

Item location: DE
Seller: setusderenthaupter (247) [100.0%]

LEGO M Tron 6989 - Trans Neon Green Panel 10 x 10 x 12 Quarter Dome-part 2409
Time left: Auction Ended!

Item location: US
Seller: bxer8168 (387) [100.0%]

LEGO Space: M:Tron - Character Figure - Set 6862 6989 6996 6989 6956 sp033
Item location: FR
Seller: brick-collection (10087) [99.2%]

2)M-Tron Spaceman Lot Astronaut 6989 6704 6923 Space Vintage LEGO® Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: popsblockshop (14116) [100.0%]

LEGO Space M:Tron Minifigure sp033 6833 6896 6989 6704 1478 6923
Item location: US
Seller: valkrie23 (1967) [99.2%]

LEGO Red Container 2x2x2 Solid Studs w/Gray Door MTron 6986 6989 #4345a 4346p68
Item location: US
Seller: resell_4_fun (1246) [100.0%]

LEGO Space: 2 x 2 x 2 M:Tron Container - REF 4346p68 - Set 6989 6956 6923 6896
Item location: FR
Seller: brick-collection (10087) [99.2%]

Lego Space M-Tron Mega Core Magnetizer Set 6989 (Very Rare) with instructions
Item location: US
Seller: streitau1960 (52) [93.3%]

Lego  old grey Container, Box door 2 x 2 x 2 with slot and MTron Pattern
Item location: AU
Seller: whitetulip14 (706) [100.0%]

4x LEGO part 2573 Wheel Hard-Plastic Giant for 6989 Mega Core Magnetizer M TRON
Item location: DE
Seller: klimawandler (2958) [100.0%]

Lego Minifigure Lot M-Tron Spaceman Astronaut 6989 / 6704 / 6923 Space Vintage
Item location: US
Seller: getridofitrightnow (6780) [99.2%]

 LEGO TORSO ENVELOPES SPACE M TRON 973P68C01 SP033 SET 6989 6862 6956 6704
Item location: FR
Seller: michelekiri (663) [100.0%]

LEGO Minifigure 1990s Space M:Tron + Air Tanks & Blaster sp033 - 6989 6956 6923
Item location: US
Seller: privateer-confederation-bricks-and-more (2575) [99.6%]

Lego Space Minifigure Air Tanks Helmets Accessories 6923 6989 6956 M Tron sp033
Item location: US
Seller: pacificnorthwestpicker (3190) [99.5%]

Rare Advertising LEGO Space M:Tron 6989 Galax Star-Express 6990 Monorail 1990
Item location: DE
Seller: nostalgiepapier (408) [100.0%]

Lego - 6989 LegoLand Space System , Multi Core Magnetizer *NIB* 1990, M Tron
Item location: US
Seller: 5star_services (18921) [99.8%]

LEGO 1990s Space Red Slope 33 3 x 2 M:Tron Logo 3298p68 For Magnetizer 6989 6877
Item location: US
Seller: privateer-confederation-bricks-and-more (2575) [99.6%]

LEGO 1990s Space Light Gray M:Tron Panel 2 x 4 x 3 1/3 2582p68 - 6989 6923 6956
Item location: US
Seller: privateer-confederation-bricks-and-more (2575) [99.6%]

Lego 1980s Red Bracket 2 x 2 - 1 x 4 2422 For M:Tron 6989, Town 1682, City 6394
Item location: US
Seller: privateer-confederation-bricks-and-more (2575) [99.6%]

1 Red Lego Plate 4151 Modified 8x8 w/ grille from M:Tron Mega Core 6989
Item location: US
Seller: core_7541 (6020) [99.9%]

LEGO MINIFIGURE vintage Space M-Tron Astronaut with air tanks 6989 6956 6923
Item location: US
Seller: gracie_nicholas (1933) [99.4%]

1x LEGO Hard Plastic Wheel Rim 71x47 Black Large Set M-Tron 6989 2573
Item location: DE
Seller: www-steinpalast-de (38883) [99.6%]

1x Lego Hard Plastic Wheel Rim 71x47 Black Large Set M-TRON 6989 2573
Item location: DE
Seller: www-steinpalast-de (38883) [99.6%]

2x LEGO Red Tile 2 x 2 with MTron Logo Pattern 6989 6923 6956 3068bp68
Item location: US
Seller: sotosneakers88 (1218) [98.9%]

Lego M:Tron 6989 6956 6923 with Air Tanks Space Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: brickohaulic (14417) [92.2%]

LEGO Space M:Tron Minifigure  sp033 6833 6896 6989 6704 1478 6923
Item location: US
Seller: ajearl (5252) [99.8%]

1990 LEGO Red Slope 33 x 2 with Space M:Tron Pattern 6989 6877 #3298p68 MINT
Item location: US
Seller: gr8flash (12936) [99.8%]

LEGO® Minifigure Space Police M:Tron with Airtank Set 6833 6896 6989 6704 - sp033
Item location: DE
Seller: light-boards (3157) [100.0%]

LEGO® SP033 5x M-Tron Space Figures M:Tron Classic Space 973p68c01 from 6989
Item location: DE
Seller: bricktracksandmore (1089) [100.0%]

LEGO M-Tron 6989 Mega Core Magnetize 100% Complete  1990 Retired Rare
Item location: CA
Seller: tcv-colllectibles (536) [98.9%]

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