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X-wing Fighter


- LEGO® Star Wars Episode IV -

X-wing Fighter is a LEGO® Star Wars Episode IV Set released in 2002.

Set Information:
  • Pieces: 267
  • Minifigs: 4

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59 items found
LEGO Star Wars Rebel Technician Minifigure (7140 7142 7180) sw0034 (c61) TORSO
Time left: Auction Ended!

Item location: US
Seller: poodlebooka (13621) [98.6%]

LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker Pilot Minifigure (4483 7130 7140 7142) sw0019
(0 Bid)
Time left: Auction Ended!

Item location: US
Seller: pw*outpost (5450) [99.3%]

LEGO Star Wars OldDkGray Wing ref 4859 / Set 7181 7171 7119 7140 7142 7103
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

Lego Star Wars Episode 4/5/6 Minifigure Luke Skywalker Pilot 4483 7130 7140 7142
Item location: US
Seller: elite_collectibles_llc (4507) [99.7%]

Lego Luke Skywalker 4483 7130 7140 7142 Dark Gray Hips Star Wars Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: brickohaulic (14366) [92.3%]

LEGO Star Wars Biggs Darklighter Pilot Minifigure 7140 7142
Item location: US
Seller: dall-winn (106) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS minifig R2 D2 body 30361px2 / set 4502 7910 8037 7191 6210 7142
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

LEGO Star Wars R2-D2 Minifigure Droid 7106 4475 4502 6212 7140 7141 7142
Item location: US
Seller: philliptoyandgamestore (30) [100.0%]

Lego Star Wars 7142 X-Wing Fighter Instruction Manual Only From 2002
Item location: US
Seller: scout-the-puppy (2593) [99.7%]

Authentic LEGO® Minifigure Star Wars Rebel Technician 7140 7180 7142
Item location: US
Seller: coolbeansman (2469) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS OldGray Wedge ref 4855 / sets 7171 4140 7142 7190 7131 7180 4098
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS Dark Gray hinge brick 30364 + Light Gray 30365 / Set 7740 7142
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

LEGO Star Wars OldDkGray Hinge Brick ref 989 / Set 7150 7140 7142 7152 78744...
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS OldGray Slope Brick ref 4854 / Set 5571 7740 7142 5591 7163
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

Biggs Darklighter 7140 7142 Rebel X-Wing Pilot Star War LEGO Minifigure Figure
Item location: US
Seller: popsblockshop (13999) [100.0%]

Lego Rebel Technician 7180 7140 7142 Episode 4/5/6 Star Wars Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: brickohaulic (14366) [92.3%]

LEGO Star Wars Rebel Technician Minifigure Tan Cap/Hat 7140, 7142, 7180 - SW0034
Item location: US
Seller: brookedavinci (176) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS minifig R2 D2 top 553ps1 / 7171 4502 7910 7191 6210 7142
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

Lego Biggs Darklighter 7140 7142 X-wing Fighter Star Wars Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: brickohaulic (14366) [92.3%]

Lego Star Wars Luke Skywalker Pilot Minifigure 7142
Item location: US
Seller: belai-81 (601) [100.0%]

LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker Pilot Minifigure 4483 7130 7140 7142
Item location: US
Seller: brick_connection (14905) [99.5%]

LEGO Star Wars Oldgray Slope 45 4x4 Double with Hinge Ref 4857 Set 7740 7142
Item location: FR
Seller: bonbec07 (7357) [100.0%]

LEGO : Minifigure ~ Minifig Star Wars R2-D2 7660 7191 7141 7142 7140 7106 4502
Item location: NL
Seller: piewie661 (1865) [100.0%]

2 x LEGO STAR WARS OldDkGray Hinge Brick 30365 / Set 7150 7740 7311 7142 6774...
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

LEGO Rebel Technician 7180 7140 7142 Star Wars Minifigure Mini Figure
Item location: US
Seller: usmil0475_6 (1892) [100.0%]

Lego SW0034, 3039ps1, 3068bps1 Sets - 7140, 7142, 7180
Item location: US
Seller: edmissymi (397) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS OldGray Cylinder Ref 30360 Set 7045 7470 7140 7142 X-wing Fighter
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

Lego Biggs Darklighter 7140 7142 Episode 4/5/6 Star Wars Minifigure
Item location: US
Seller: brickohaulic (14366) [92.3%]

Lego SW0034 Rebel Technician, Sets - 7140, 7142, 7180
Item location: US
Seller: t11opher (478) [97.5%]

Lego Star Wars Rebel Technician sw0034 Tan Minifigure 7140 7142
Item location: US
Seller: gtfi-33 (457) [100.0%]

Lego Star Wars Minifigures - Rebel Technician 7140, 7142, 7180 sw0034
Item location: GB
Seller: getyourkicksbeforeorder66 (12999) [99.8%]

LEGO Star Wars - Luke Skywalker Sw0019 Minifigure Set 4483, 7130, 7140, 7142
Item location: DE
Seller: wichtel10000 (22086) [99.9%]

Biggs Darklighter 7140 7142 Rebel X-Wing Pilot Star War LEGO Minifigure Figure
Item location: US
Seller: tipric-43 (1295) [100.0%]

LEGO Star Wars R2-D2 Minifigure Droid 7106 4475 4502 6212 7140 7141 7142
Item location: US
Seller: rydit6940 (50) [94.6%]

LEGO Star Wars OldGray Slope 45 4x4 Double with Hinge Ref 4857 Set 7140 7142
Item location: FR
Seller: bonbec07 (7357) [100.0%]

Lego Rebel Technician sw0034 Star Wars sets 7180,7140,7142 Used Good Condition#9
Item location: US
Seller: billsbuildingbricks (419) [100.0%]

Lego Biggs Darklighter Pilot orange jumpsuit Star Wars minifigure 7140 7142
Item location: US
Seller: sun3800 (5751) [100.0%]

LEGO STAR WARS windscreen 30372p79 4502 7130 7666 8037 7150 7150 77142 7152 7262
Item location: FR
Seller: the-brick-shop (29531) [100.0%]

Lego Star Wars Rebel Technician Minifigure 7140 7180 7142
Item location: US
Seller: thombled (284) [100.0%]

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