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Sega Saturn News

Development on Saturn 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
The game covered this week is not really a game but more a development tool that let you create a lot of stuff: demos, tools, games, music,... I am talking about Game Basic:
-Game Basic for SegaSaturn
The video shows you some demo .b files found on the disc that cover some powerful capabilities of this kit.

I also added some new pictures and I updated some other ones. Photos have been provided by Orochi Kyo, 750R, DemonKN and myself.

Jean-Etienne has updated the guide of games using the 3D Control Pad (in french).

And we have one new contributor from Brazil: johnnyrio. We compared our list of Tectoy games and he let me know that I am missing 2 of them (and maybe another one that I will add in the next few weeks). He will send me some pictures and infos for the next week's update.

And, as always :P, 750R filled another batch of entries of the database ;)

See you later.

Edit: sorry Orochi Kyo, I corrected your nick ;)
Edit 2: I also forgot to tell I changed the name of one game in the database

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