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Sega Saturn News (Archive) - Page 42


Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
The saturn engine has been updated :
- 2 new entries added : Virtua Cop 2 with Virtua Gun USA & Layer Section II Taikenban JPN
- 830 mini-covers added
- some pictures have been added or updated (thanks to DemonKN from MegaOldies)
Some news 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
Today :
- One new review by Murazame : J. League Go Go Goal! JPN
- Japanese help file is online (thanks again to Murazame !). The english one is MIA.
- 11 new or replaced pictures from DemonKN.

Thanks guys for your help.
Update of the Saturn Engine 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
The Saturn Engine has been updated today. I added some new entries and some korean titles got their 'foreign title'.
Also, during the past week, I put online some mini-covers and improve the php code.
You could notice some problems when using the saturn engine like no barcode/pictures shown or some requests that are not been taken by the server. Sorry for these problems, they are due to our host :(
New reviews and new news'announcer! 

Sega Saturn - Author - Murazame
Hello tout le monde!

Pour ma première news sur ce fabuleux site, je signale juste que 2 nouveaux tests écrits par mes soins ont été mis en ligne il y a de cela quelques jours, à savoir Sol Divide et Zanma Chô Okugi Vahollian (quelques fautes de frappe et d'orthographe subsistent mais elles seront corrigées).Naturellement, tout plein d'autres vont suivre.

Sur ce, bonne lecture et à la revoyure!

Update of the Saturn Engine 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms

The Saturn Engine has been updated this week-end.

What's new ?
- Added entries in Games and Tools part
- Added Demos and Not For Sale part
- Modified some entries and deleted a few ones
- All in English now
- Genre has been updated
- Barcode has been added
- Rating has been added for all the japanese games
- Release Date and Price has been added for Japanese games
- Type of Box has been added
- A lot of pictures has been added (1598 new pictures)
- Comments for 99 % of the pictures has been added
- Direct link to each game has been added if you want to link to a specific entry from your site
- ...

Just check it out by yourself.

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