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Sega Saturn News (Archive) - Page 40

Technical support 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
Our host will make some technical updates and migrations.
Satakore will/could be unavailable :
- in June, from Monday the 26th 9PM GMT (11PM in France) to Tuesday the 27th 6AM GMT (8AM in France)
- in July, from Monday the 3rd 9PM GMT (11PM in France) to Tuesday the 4th 6AM GMT (8AM in France)

I hope there will not be any other problems.


Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
All the Flash Sega Saturn Demo Discs JPN have their contents listed in its respective records with links to games records/videos associated.

All the Saturn Power Demo Discs EUR got also the same treatment :)

More to come...
SatHeader v0.6 

Sega Saturn - Author - Rysley

Une nouvelle version de SatHeader vient d'être diffusé, la nouveauté:
Insérez un CD Saturn dans votre lecteur CD-Rom PC, choississez la fonction "Lire CD" et toutes les infos sur le jeu vous seront donnés sans avoir besoin d'en faire un ISO avant.

C'est par là:

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
This week, another update of the Saturn engine. Now, the alpha search is a full part of the saturn engine so you can combine all the other criteria with it.

Also, Videos are back on !! All our old videos are now online and embedded in each game record. To see a full list, just click on the Videos link. 60 games and alternative versions are covered, so there are 52 different videos. Also, some videos are not game specific and can only be found on Google Video directly. They are :
- Satakore Collection
- Luna Silver Star Story Mini Mini Game
- Millenium fire (unreleased Game)
- Fighting Force (Unreleased Game)

You can check all the video by clicking this link (to Google video with "" search criteria). But for an unknown reason, not all videos appear, only 49-50 out of 52 will be listed in the result list. So just check the video section of to get a full list of available videos.


Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
Another week, another batch of screenshots provided by Murazame. This week, screenshots have been added for :
- Crows ~The Battle Action for SegaSaturn~
- J.League Go Go Goal!
- Shienryuu
- Sol Divide

Also the Saturn Engine has been updated one more time. Today, this is the search engine which has been improved :
- searching by country is now possible
- searches are now multi-criteria : Title, Serial Number, Genre and Country
- a reset button lets you reset (heh!) all the fields of the form

More updates next week.

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