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Sega Saturn News (Archive) - Page 19
![Delisoba Deluxe JPN Delisoba Deluxe JPN [610-6803] cover](/satengine/covers/610-6803,,Sega-Saturn-Cover-Delisoba-Deluxe-JPN.jpg)
Delisoba Deluxe is one of the most sought after "not for sale" title on the Sega Saturn and probably the most well known.
It is not the most expensive title (2-3 other titles are more expensive than Delisoba Deluxe) but nevertheless it fetches high price on the market. If you are lucky enough, you can find it complete in mint condition for about 450-500 Euros (55 000 Yens / 700 USD as of today) but you have more chance to find it for more, likely 750 Euros (85 000 Yens / 1 000 USD).
It is also not the rarest title of the Sega Saturn library. Despite its value, you can find it quite easily in Japan. On the "rarest scale", you can count more than 15 titles (games and not for sale titles) that are more difficult to get. As always, expensive does not mean rare.
Delisoba Deluxe (which stands for Deliver Soba), developped by Cave, is a "game" given away at the Tokyo Friend Park II TV-show made by TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System). In this show, contestants have to complete a certain amount of mini-games, one of them being Delisoba. This is "a two player game in which one player races to checkpoints in a video game to deliver soba in a set amount of time, while the other sits at the back and holds the soba to be delivered. If the player crashes into an obstacle in the game, the players on the seat will also feel the impact and drop the delivery they are holding, simulating what occurs in the video game" (description found on the internet on different websites, original publisher unknown).
Delisoba Deluxe for Sega Saturn is the remake of this mini-game.
Some years later, the Delisoba mini-game has been updated and has been named Delisoba Gold. Here is the official page at http://www.tbs.co.jp/tfp2/atr_soba.html
You can find some videos of the actual TV-show on Youtube. Here are 2 of them showing Delisoba mini-game:
- Delisoba
- Delisoba Gold
For the first time on the internet (in my knowledge), here are some screenshots and a video (Youtube + downloadable high quality) showing Delisoba Deluxe in action: https://www.satakore.com/sega-saturn-demo,,610-6803,,Delisoba-Deluxe-JPN.html

This is probably a big news for a lot of you, and I am happy to share this. But I assure you, you must wait for something BIGGER in some weeks ;) For now, enjoy the show!
Déjà 10 mois qui se sont écoulés depuis les dernières reviews, il va falloir remédier à cela (T_T)
On commence avec Manji le bankster, qui a profité d'un ROD pour se rappeler qu'il fut un temps ou il s'amusait un peu sur Sega Saturn, entre 2 parties de Tekken, et nous propose un petit remake d'un de ses tests. On ne va pas faire la fine bouche:
- Die-Hard-Arcade-
En espérant qu'il guérisse vite et revienne parmi nous :)
Quant à moi, je vous propose moitié moins que ce que j'avais prévu, mais ce n'est que partie remise:
- Shinseiki-Evangelion-Digital-Card-Library-
- Shippuu-Mahou-Daisakusen-
- Farland-Story-Habou-no-Mai-
Nothing worth saying in english this time though, but keep checking satakore regularly.
Déjà 10 mois qui se sont écoulés depuis les dernières reviews, il va falloir remédier à cela (T_T)
On commence avec Manji le bankster, qui a profité d'un ROD pour se rappeler qu'il fut un temps ou il s'amusait un peu sur Sega Saturn, entre 2 parties de Tekken, et nous propose un petit remake d'un de ses tests. On ne va pas faire la fine bouche:
- Die-Hard-Arcade-
En espérant qu'il guérisse vite et revienne parmi nous :)
Quant à moi, je vous propose moitié moins que ce que j'avais prévu, mais ce n'est que partie remise:
- Shinseiki-Evangelion-Digital-Card-Library-
- Shippuu-Mahou-Daisakusen-
- Farland-Story-Habou-no-Mai-
Nothing worth saying in english this time though, but keep checking satakore regularly.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Not a lot of updates this year because a new version of the site is being developed. As the time goes by, there are more and more stuff added to it. It is time to open it to users, but not widely for the moment as it is still a beta.
If you want to try the new version of the site before everyone else, just send me a message by using the contact form. Next, I will choose some of you, randomly (or not).
See ya!
Not a lot of updates this year because a new version of the site is being developed. As the time goes by, there are more and more stuff added to it. It is time to open it to users, but not widely for the moment as it is still a beta.
If you want to try the new version of the site before everyone else, just send me a message by using the contact form. Next, I will choose some of you, randomly (or not).
See ya!
Our contact form was broken for 2 weeks. For those who sent us a message, please resend them. Sorry for that.
I updated the code of the contact form and all the things work now.
I updated the code of the contact form and all the things work now.
Comme promis (chose rare), voici donc 2 nouvelles reviews, la seconde nous est offerte par Asta la super star:
- Dead-or-Alive
- Sega-Touring-Car-Championship-
That's all folks!
Comme promis (chose rare), voici donc 2 nouvelles reviews, la seconde nous est offerte par Asta la super star:
- Dead-or-Alive
- Sega-Touring-Car-Championship-
That's all folks!