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Sega Saturn News (Archive) - Page 3

Sayonara 2019 

Sega Saturn - Author - Murazame
L'année 2019 se termine, déjà, et le bilan est bien maigre niveau contenu. Une dernière review pour la route avec Langrisser III, malheureux épisode que la mauvaises réputation de ses scènes de bataille en 3D précède mais qui sinon, reste parfaitement digne d'intérêt :

Langrisser-III (Japan) [T-2502G] - Cover

See you next year!
Sakura Wars Fan Translation Released 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms

Sakura Taisen (Japan) [GS-9037] - Cover

The wait is over. After 23 years, you can finally get the chance to play this game in English. This project was made by talented guys from translated by NoahSteam, TrekkiesUnite118, CJ_Iwakura, BowlOfLentils, Crouching_Mouse, Schlomo, MatatabiMitsu, Nezumi, Eien1No1Yami and some other great contributors.

Here are 2 videos showing it in action:

The patch is available here.

Ultimate destroyer- Ultimate tiger 

Sega Saturn - Author - Murazame
On enchaîne cette fois avec du shoot'em up. Une légère refonte de la review de Blast Wind et une autre de Kyûkyoku Tiger II, alias Twin Cobra II en occident dans une version exclusive à la Saturn, comme l'indique le petit + du titre :

Blast-Wind (Japan) [T-1810G] - Cover Kyuukyoku-Tiger-II-Plus (Japan) [T-18715G] - Cover

See you again soon!
Un peu d'action 

Sega Saturn - Author - Murazame

Long time no see but still active, no problem!

Les reviews en ligne qui ne sont pas signées n'étant pas de moi (et sont pour ainsi dire toutes à refaire !), je “fêtais” ainsi ma 100-ième contribution avec Sôkyû Gurentai. L'occasion ratée de faire une rétrospective, tant pis mais on continue le travail avec tout d'abord la refonte (enfin !) de l'une de mes plus anciennes reviews, Princess Crown (publiée à la base sur feu priceminister, du temps où je surfais sur le net avec ma Dreamcast!), accompagnée d'une nouvelle fournée de screenshots en remplacement des anciens, et Magic Knight Rayearth lui aussi avec une tonne de captures. Tous deux d'excellents a-rpg, cela va sans dire.

Les reviews :

Mahou Kishi Rayearth JPN [GS-9058] cover Princess-Crown (Japan) [T-14418G] - Cover

Le bouquin :

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 1 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 2

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 3 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 4

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 5 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 6

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 7 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 8

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 9 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 10

Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 11 Mahou Kishi Rayearth Guide Book JPN - 12

See you soon !
Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager 3 - Xmas 2018 

Sega Saturn - Author - Madroms
After 10 years, a new version of the Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager was released yesterday, just in time for Xmas 2018.

In 2007, I released Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager (D2SGM). Then a year after, in 2008, Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager 2 (D2SGM2).
All this work was possible with the help of the Japanese Dezaemon 2 community. After all, the games for Dezaemon 2 were made by them!

After the release of D2SGM2, I planned to make a 3rd volume with new games. Unfortunately, I had less and less free time to work on it, and as the life went by, I never managed to finish my work on D2SGM3. I am really sorry about this, especially because I did not keep my commitment to the Japanese Dezaemon community. I hope they will understand and they will not hold it against me.

Today, 10 years after the last D2SGM, cafe-alpha, the guy behind Pseudo Saturn Kai, released Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager 3. It contains 58 new user games as well as all the games from previous D2SGM volumes. Really thanks to him for taking care of this great project.

You can find the dedicated page for Dezaemon 2 Save Game Manager 3 on his website, PPcenter.
And the link to download it can be found on his Pseudo Saturn Kai page.
I may host it here soon, as a mirror.

Enjoy it now, and have a Merry Xmas 2018 with your Sega Saturn.

More links:
- Dezaemon 2 Page on Database
- Dezaemon 2 Database with all the games available on D2SGM and D2SGM2 covered
- If you want to buy the original Japanese game, check the Dezaemon 2 games available for sale on eBay at the moment

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